# Simple ping-pong game using Redis' Pub/Sub paradigm. Look at PING and PONG
# messages go around over the chon and chin channels, respectively.
tcl::tm::path add ..
package require retcl
set chans {chin chon}
set texts {PING PONG}
proc pingpong {r id type pattern channel msg} {
if {$type ne {message}} {
puts "[clock format [clock seconds]] $channel/$msg"
after 1000
$r UNSUBSCRIBE [lindex $::chans $id]
$r PUBLISH [lindex $::chans [expr {!$id}]] [lindex $::texts $id]
$r SUBSCRIBE [lindex $::chans $id]
proc run {opts id} {
set r [retcl new {*}$opts]
$r callback [lindex $::chans $id] [list pingpong $r $id]
if {$id == 0} {
$r PUBLISH [lindex $::chans [expr {!$id}]] [lindex $::texts $id]
$r SUBSCRIBE [lindex $::chans $id]
set opts [expr {[lindex $::argv 0] eq {--tls} ? {+tls} : {}}]
run $opts 1
after 1000
run $opts 0
vwait forever