Repository List
FilenameProject NameLast ModifiedLogin Group
awful-main.fossil Minimal functor to turn awful websites into standalone programs 248.8 days
b.fossil Website for 83.8 days
bwget.fossil Sync & search a local gpg-encrypted cache of a Bitwarden vault 1.41 years
chicken-nanosleep.fossil CHICKEN interface to POSIX nanosleep 241.7 days
dbsync.fossil Sync files with Dropbox 1.41 years
fatc.fossil Website for 262.7 days
lay.fossil CHICKEN utility to lay eggs efficiently 8.9 days
poule.fossil CHICKEN extension to manage a pool of worker processes 30.9 days
retcl.fossil Redis client library for Tcl 17.8 days
tcl-dav.fossil DAV library for Tcl 26.0 days
tcl-scgi.fossil SCGI handler for Tcl scripts 1.40 years
tf.fossil Website for 262.8 days
thingylaunch.fossil Simple X11 application launcher 107.1 days