This is a Simple Common Gateway Interface (SCGI) handler implemented as a multi-threaded server using the Tcl programming language. Each request is first parsed by the main thread then dispatched to be served by a dedicated thread. The scgi.tcl software requires Tcl 8.6 and the Thread extension.
The result of the following example can be seen here.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>tcl-scgi example</title>
<p><label style="font-weight: bold">gray-scale table</label></p>
set lvl 0
while {$lvl <= 255} {
set color "#[string range [format %02X $lvl] 3]"
@ [::scgi::html::td \
[list style "background-color: $color; width: 20px; height: 20px" \
title $color] \
@ "\n"
if {[incr lvl] % 16 == 0 && $lvl != 256} {
@ "</tr>\n<tr>\n"
The handler can be invoked with the following arguments:
-addr value Listen on the specified address <>
-port value Listen on the specified port <4000>
-path value Script path <DOCUMENT_ROOT>
-fork Fork and return the pid of the child process
-max_threads value Maximum number of threads to spawn <50>
-min_threads value Minimum number of threads to spawn <1>
-thread_keepalive value Number of seconds an idle thread is kept alive <60>
-conn_keepalive value Number of seconds an idle connection is kept alive <-1>
-verbose Dump verbose information to stdout
-- Forcibly stop option processing
-help Print this message
-? Print this message
User scripts consist of pure HTML code with interleaved Tcl scripts enclosed in <? and ?> tags.
The following special commands are available:
@ arg ...
Synonym to [puts]
, except it takes multiple arguments. The arguments are evaluated by Tcl if not enclosed in braces. Example:
@ [info hostname]
@ "Using Tcl version " [info patchlevel]
@ {Here [square brakets] are dumped literally}
::scgi::header key value ?replace?
Append the HTTP header "Key: value" to the output buffer. If replace is true (the default), a previous header with the same key is replaced by the one specified.
Send the output buffered (including headers and body data) to the client and close the connection. Once called, no further output is possible, but the script stays alive and can continue processing data.
::scgi::die msg
Output the message msg
and quit. The Status header is set to 500 Internal Server Error.
Send the output buffered (including headers and body data) to the client and terminate the execution of the current script. [exit]
is aliased to ::scgi::exit
and can be used too.
xml arg arg arg
Produce an xml tag. This command is transparent to the user. The line <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
is a starting <?
tag, an xml
command, two arguments, and a closing ?>
::scgi::html::* attrs children
The html
namespace exposes commands named after the HTML tags. Each takes an optional (even) list of attributes as key-value pairs and an optional list of children. Example:
namespace path scgi
@ [html::a {title "Take me home" href} \
[list [html::pre {} [list "Go to home"]]] ]
Additionally, the following variables are available to client scripts:
A dictionary with the request parameters.
A dictionary with the request headers.
The raw request body.
Short tags are also available by using a combination of an opening tag <? and @ command. Example
Running Tcl version <?@ [info patchlevel] ?>